According to the United States Department of Justice, there are 2.5 million burglaries recorded annually, with over half being home invasions. While these numbers may seem frightening, property crime rates have actually dropped by 23.5% across the United States. Furthermore, as security surveillance cameras are higher in demand and increasingly affordable and available, protecting your home from external invasions is now easier.
Being a homeowner or business property owner, it can be terrifying to think about the property being burglarized. However, it does not have to be a constant fear if a team of security professionals works on behalf of your clients 24*7 so that they can get a good night’s sleep.
This month, our team at Technomine will focus on the possible signs of burglary, how to act and and the benefits of hiring an offshore electronic security team for residential protection. The blog will focus on the following points to help your clients enjoy a lifetime of safety and security.
- What to look for?
- When to prepare?
- How to act?
- How to react?
Before understanding the importance of electronic security in deterring crimes, let us look at what the statistics say about the rise in burglaries.

Statistics behind burglary
According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, 65% of burglars are residential and know their victims personally. The research also recorded that only 12% of burglars are premeditated. Unfortunately, that does not paint the picture, but it does grant us something to work with.
Sometimes people have reservations about the reliability of hiring a remote monitoring team and their efficiency in deterring crimes. Well, the truth of the matter is that hiring remote teams increases the safety of the property by 300% from break-ins than a property without a security camera.
According to the reports published by ADT, installing surveillance cameras showed a decline of 60% in all crime types. The remote monitoring team helps your clients to safeguard their property 24*7, serving as an extra pair of eyes and ears.
The research conducted by ADT also recorded that burglars often target homes that are easier to break into. Properties in more rural or remote areas are the prime target for burglary. In addition, they also look for homes that are well-kept or have expensive car parks in the driveway. Most criminals enter the house through the garage or front or back door.
Now that we have a little information about the people who commit burglaries let us know what homeowners should be aware of in their residential area.
How to tell if a house is being targeted?
Potential thieves take a close look at a property and note any information that might help them break in. In the segment, we have some common signs that burglars might use to mark the property they might want to target.

Door-to-door attempts
Burglars might pose as salespeople or association representatives to look closely at the property. They also keep an eye on residents’ routines, including how they manage keys, whether they have a dog – and even the presence of an electronic security system. Video doorbells can be a great tool against this tactic.
Irregular car parking or touring
Irregular car parking can indicate that a potential burglar is touring the area. Often nefarious parties will cruise through an area at alternating times to check the foot traffic & the schedule of the property owner.
Unwanted requests
This can include people going door-to-door and making strange requests like using the restrooms or getting water to get a better look inside. This might also include briefly taking pictures from the sidewalk or exploring the property through the back without the permission of the property owner.

What makes a house attractive to burglars?
Aside from a cluttered doorstep, a few more signs can make the residential property attractive to burglars. According to the information presented by Reisinger Insurance, easy access to the property, low security, expensive valuables and less foot traffic are some other possible signs that makes a house attractive to burglars.
If someone is prone to committing a crime and sees the opportunity to make an easy score, it should be assumed that they will. Thus, taking necessary safety measures and having a remote security team work to safeguard the property is mandatory.

How do virtual guards scare burglars away?
If someone manages to enter the house, having a security camera at the front, hallway and back doors can be helpful. Remote guards monitoring your property will immediately send out alerts to the residents and local authorities to reach on time and stop a crime before it happens by using nuisance alarms activation, voice-down activation and 24*7 perimeter patrol.
With Technomine, security agencies will be getting out-of-hours support, home alarm monitoring and technical assistance to watch out for the property, ensuring the safety of the residents and neighborhood. Our remote help desk support provides your clients with the following features for better security.
- Efficient & quality support from our remote support help desk team
- Swift & appropriate technical support via phone call or online chat support
- Private help-desk & administration available upon demand
- Prompt assistance for your video surveillance and alarm monitoring queries
Alarm monitoring with video surveillance makes crime detection easier. Remote guards assist security companies with service continuity and emergency response. A virtual guarding service uses comprehensive perimeter monitoring to protect client sites – even during out-of-hours. Remote guards monitoring your property can ensure safety and security at your factory, warehouse and industrial activities.
Remote monitoring, voice-down activation and 24*7 perimeter patrol can help your clients to tackle burglaries and even stop a crime before it happens. Also, alarm monitoring can immediately send alerts to on-board local authorities.

Do security cameras deter burglars?
As discussed, security surveillance cameras are quite effective in deterring property-related crimes. According to statistics released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 85% of all crimes were property crimes in 2019. The report also revealed that burglars avoid households with security cameras and alarms or a well-lit area near the police department.
Alarm monitoring services have been shown to help deter 53% of burglars. Research suggests that virtual guards can help police identify & catch offenders. Police officers also use surveillance footage for investigations. Surveillance camera footage can also help flush out significant leads to support forensic investigations.

Why choose a remote security team?
Alarm monitoring services have been shown to help in deterring 53% of burglars. This clearly states that the need for electronic security and home alarm monitoring is growing. Our experienced remote security guards handle everything from video surveillance to monitoring to help your clients safeguard their property 24*7 and even during out-of-hours. Check out our blog to learn more about video surveillance for residential communities.
Over the years, we have helped our clients secure their property from the following set of crimes.
- Violence
- Harassment
- Active shooting
- Unauthorized access
- Illicit trade
- Homicide
- Vandalism
- Hate crime
- Theft
Suppose your clients witness any of the above activities; the alarm monitoring team will immediately alert the local authorities to stop a crime before it happens.
With Technomine, our clients do not have to worry about optimal staffing to investigate an unpredictable number of incident reports. Our remote teams will quickly take care of your clients’ needs even during out-of-hours or high-volume periods.
Get started with Technomine!
With the rise in cases of burglaries and theft, working with a hybrid security team can ensure maximum security for your clients and the benefits of physical guards. Offshore remote security guards have a competitive edge without directly dealing with active shooting situations.
Virtual guards keep a constant eye to ensure round-the-clock security for your clients. Crimes like burglary, theft, homicide, and vandalism are preventable with proper security measures. Working with an offshore remote guard is simple, profitable and even assists with post-crime investigations.
If you want to read our case study and see how we assist security businesses to serve their customers while increasing the profitability of their security agency, check out our whitepaper on “Global Electronic Security – Transformations in remote support.”
If you want to skip the line and directly speak with one of our remote guarding managers, email us your query at